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As a young girl growing up in Hawaii, surfing was and still is, one of the most important parts of my life. It's my get-away and my freedom. My family would wake up at 5am every morning before school and on weekends. My mom would make us a smoothie consisting of anything green and healthy. Some days it was delicious, and some days we had to plug our nose, chug it down, and chase it with our breakfast oats. We would squeeze all nine of us into a van full of boards, make our way down to the beach, and all the uncles would laugh as we hopped out like we were a bunch of clowns packed in a car. My veteran parents would line us up and have us execute daily exercises, from jumping jacks, to planks. Then, before we were allowed to jump out in the water, we had to complete a mile run, where the seven of us would try our hardest to outrun the other so we could get the break to ourselves. Even for just a few minutes. When it was time to head in for school, my dad would give a single long whistle and hold up a towel signaling us to come in and get ready for the day ahead. This was my life and I thank my family, and surfing for shaping me into the woman I am today. 

Nowadays, I surf Waikiki after my morning shift at the coffee shop almost every day, or at least as much as I can! I grew up short boarding and that’s where I feel most comfortable. But being a city girl now, I’ve taken on long boarding. I confess, I’m not the best long boarder, but everyday I learn a little more. Catch me doing fat snaps on my Donald Takayama 8’6 soon! Although I’m not the best surfer out there, but my sister Kahanu is one of the best female surfers I know. She pushed us all to be better out in the water. She spent her surfing career traveling the world and competing against some of the best female surfers. She doesn’t compete anymore, she will blow you away with her abilities to this day.  

Surfing is my lifestyle, and I felt like it needs a page of its own on my website because it’s a huge part of who I am and how I was raised. Surfing keeps me fit, takes me out of my mind and gives me a release when life gets chaotic. 

Surfing Then

Surfing Now

As a young girl growing up in Hawaii, surfing was and still is, one of the most important parts of my life. It's my get-away and my freedom. My family would wake up at 5am every morning before school and on weekends. My mom would make us a smoothie consisting of anything green and healthy. Some days it was delicious, and some days we had to plug our nose, chug it down, and chase it with our breakfast oats. We would squeeze all nine of us into a van full of boards, make our way down to the beach, and all the uncles would laugh as we hopped out like we were a bunch of clowns packed in a car. My veteran parents would line us up and have us execute daily exercises, from jumping jacks, to planks. Then, before we were allowed to jump out in the water, we had to complete a mile run, where the seven of us would try our hardest to outrun the other so we could get the break to ourselves. Even for just a few minutes. When it was time to head in for school, my dad would give a single long whistle and hold up a towel signaling us to come in and get ready for the day ahead. This was my life and I thank my family, and surfing for shaping me into the woman I am today. 


Nowadays, I surf Waikiki after my morning shift at the coffee shop almost every day, or at least as much as I can! I grew up short boarding and that’s where I feel most comfortable. But being a city girl now, I’ve taken on long boarding. I confess, I’m not the best long boarder, but everyday I learn a little more. Catch me doing fat snaps on my Donald Takayama 8’6 soon! Although I’m not the best surfer out there, but my sister Kahanu is one of the best female surfers I know. She pushed us all to be better out in the water. She spent her surfing career traveling the world and competing against some of the best female surfers. She doesn’t compete anymore, she will blow you away with her abilities to this day.  

Surfing is my lifestyle, and I felt like it needs a page of its own on my website because it’s a huge part of who I am and how I was raised. Surfing keeps me fit, takes me out of my mind and gives me a release when life gets chaotic. 

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